Our company produces the installation and construction animation of Suzhou-Taiwan high-speed double-layer steel box girder for ZHEJIANG COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.,LTD.
Entrusted by ZHEJIANG COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.,LTD., our company produced the installation and construction animation of double-layer steel box girder of Sutai high-speed Luojiajiao Bridge.
The double-layer steel box girder bridge across the Beijing-Hang-ancient Canal adopts the form of 3-span continuous variable section steel-concrete composite girder. The upper layer is Tongfu Viaduct No. 1 bridge of Sutai Expressway, and the lower layer is the Beijing-Hang-ancient Canal bridge of Sanhuan West Road.
聯系電話:027-87332550 18627027250
company website: http://m.dafanhao1.cn
Company Email: 2331892084@qq.com
Tel.: 027-87332550 18627027250
Address: 18/F, Block B, Asian Trade Plaza, No. 628, Wuluo Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan